Saturday, December 26, 2009

He Rules the World

Ended this decade on a difficult note. Tommy and I argue on Christmas Eve morning and I plan to drive to Ft Worth to give him his "space." But the blizzard forces me to a motel room. Christmas morning, I speak with Tommy and he is coming by to see me but wrecks (totals) his truck sliding on the ice, spins the truck around and he's on the opposite side of the road going backwards and hits a tree. So, we spend the better part of Christmas Day at the ER. Thankfully, he only has fractured ribs, and pneumonia. I go to the ER today, and I just have upper respiratory infection. So, with his loss of transportation and both of us recuperating from illness , I'm thinking God decided that we are spending time together! The wonders of His love, the wonders of His love, the wonders, wonders of His love.

1 comment:

  1. Laura!
    I had no idea that you had this blog. I love it.

    I am very sorry you are ill. I hope you are better soon.

